









布雷特VanDeWostine ’24 received the NOYCE Scholarship for his junior and senior years at Carthage. Receiving this scholarship meant a lot to him as he would have never applied to it without the help of his faculty advisor, Karin Sconzert教授. During one of their classes, Prof. Sconzert told him about the scholarship and application. He followed her advice to apply and received $21,000.

So far, Brett has been most surprised by the connections he’s made at Carthage. He can walk down Campus Drive and knows five to 10 people he passes by. He thinks it’s incredible how connected students, faculty, and staff are.



“From the first time I stepped on campus, I knew Carthage was where I wanted to be. Students, professors, and faculty at Carthage are super nice and caring about those around them. You are not a number at Carthage; you are someone with a story and goal.”

布雷特VanDeWostine, 24岁


“My favorite class so far has been Modern Geometry, taught by Aaron Trautwein教授. I loved the class because there were only ten students in the class, which allowed Prof. Trautwein to connect with each student. Before diving into the material, the first few minutes of every class included life, 俱乐部, or sports updates from the students and Prof. Trautwein. I was always focused and engaged during the lecture because Prof. Trautwein is an excellent teacher who knows how to keep lectures fun and interesting — not to mention he has amazing board skills, writing and drawing beautifully. Modern Geometry was my favorite class by far, 不是因为材料, but because of the connections and fun that my classmates and I had during the semester.”


“The toughest class at Carthage so far has been Real Analysis. Real Analysis was the toughest because every action in a problem had to have a theorem definition of the lemma cited as rational. It was not the material that was hard, just the fact that I had to rewire how I explained how I arrived at my answer. 虽然课程很难, it taught me the importance of being clear and concise when writing 数学ematical proofs and improved my critical thinking abilities.”


“I am a member and captain of the 男子高尔夫球队. Men’s golf is a growing program I am happy to be a part of. The team has pushed me to new limits on and off the golf course, as all good teams and teammates should. Being on the team has allowed me to create lifelong friends while playing some really cool courses all around the Midwest.

“我也是兄弟会的一员 三角洲Upsilon. 三角洲Upsilon gave me the brotherhood I sought when coming to college. I found a group of guys who loved talking and playing sports and cared about helping the community around them. 三角洲Upsilon helped me create connections with recent and older alumni who can help me grow both as an undergraduate and future alumni.”


“我是一个 j项 study tour to South Africa in summer 2022. I spent three days at the Nkume Primary School doing school improvement projects. The group of students and professors who went on the trip installed three ceiling fans and internet, and brought 15 laptops and hundreds of dollars worth of supplies for the school. The memories that I have from those three days with the students and teachers at Nkume are something that I will never forget. After our three days at the school, we spent the other 11 days traveling to several different cities. At each city, we had amazing food, went sightseeing, and made memories to last a lifetime. j项 is a great opportunity for students that cannot be passed up.”


“After graduating from Carthage, I plan to become a high school 数学 teacher and a head coach for baseball, basketball, or golf.”


“我最喜欢的记忆是 男子排球队 winning back-to-back national championships on our home court in Tarble Arena. This is my favorite memory because the Carthage community showed up in full force as the entire stands were packed shoulder-to-shoulder, and fans wore all white to support the team. The arena shook as the crowd cheered at each point. It is a memory that I will never forget because I sat in the front row for the entire match.”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“8-year-old me would never believe my current study and career path. 在年轻的时候, I was all about getting into the major leagues for baseball or going to sports management. Now, I have found a love for teaching 数学ematics and coaching golf, basketball, and baseball. Although 8-year-old me would not believe the change, it is a change that has allowed me to follow my true dreams of impacting the lives of others.”

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